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Arbutus Recreation & Parks Council

Child Care

Arbutus Elementary School Extended Care Program – updated August 2023

Beforecare and Aftercare

Sponsored by Arbutus Recreation Council

The Arbutus Extended Care Program is offered during the school year for students enrolled at Arbutus Elementary School (AES). The program typically opens when school opens and follows all Baltimore County school closures, including emergency and weather delays or closures.


The opening and closing times for Beforecare and Aftercare have not changed due to the school’s new start and end times.

Beforecare – 7:30-9 a.m. in the AES cafeteria

Aftercare – 3:45-5:30 p.m. in the AES cafeteria, gymnasium and playground

Please use the side entrance to the Arbutus Elementary School building, 1300 Sulphur Spring Rd., Baltimore, MD 21227, near the tennis court parking lot when dropping off or picking up your child during beforecare and aftercare hours. You can park in the spaces next to the court, except the marked handicap-accessible spaces. Do not park in any unmarked areas, as your vehicle will be towed by the school.


1. Extended Care Policies and Parent Agreement Form – signed by Parent/Guardian (Section IV--last page of this document)

2. Arbutus Recreation Council Registration Form/Waiver – completed by Parent/Guardian

3. Emergency Form – completed by Parent/Guardian and Health Care Practitioner, updated yearly

4. “All About My Child” – completed by Parent/Guardian

5. Maryland State Dept. of Education Health Inventory, including a copy of their Record of Immunizations – completed and signed by Parent/Guardian and Physician

* 6. Maryland State Dept. of Education Medication Order Form and Medication Administration Record / Asthma Action Plan – signed by Parent/Guardian and Physician (For children who may require medication or treatment to be administered by AES Extended Care staff during program hours)

 7. A Parent’s Guide to Regulated Child Care – keep brochure for your records; return Parent/Guardian signature page



The Arbutus Elementary School Extended Care program is administered by the Arbutus Recreation Council, in cooperation with the Baltimore County Department of Recreation and Parks. The community recreation office office is located at the Arbutus Recreation Center, 865 Sulphur Spring Rd., Arbutus, MD 21227; telephone: 410-887-6994; email [email protected]. The on-site program office is located in the Arbutus Elementary gymnasium.

Completed AES Extended Care registration forms Must be returned to the Community Recreation Office at the Arbutus Recreation Center prior to the first day of school; after the first day of school, please deliver registration forms directly to AES during beforecare hours. You can reach the Arbutus/Baltimore Highlands Community Recreation Office at 410-887-6994, Monday-Friday, 10 am-3 pm, or email Pat Johnson, the director, at [email protected] if you have any questions about the Arbutus Recreation extended care program at AES.

I. Arbutus Extended Care Program Policies


When bringing your child to beforecare or picking up your child from aftercare, a parent, guardian, or authorized adult will be responsible for signing the child in or out of the program with the program staffer at the door before releasing or retrieving the child. These names must be listed on the child’s Emergency Form and over the age of 18.

Beforecare: Please say goodbyes at the sign-in/sign-out table. Your child will have an assigned area to leave their bookbag, lunch, and coat. Schedule: Students have the morning time to eat breakfast, play, or read.

Aftercare: Adults must wait at the sign-in/sign-out table for staff to retrieve their child. When you sign your child out, your child must leave the school with you at that time. Please make sure your child has all their personal items with them before you leave. Any left-behind items will be stored in the school’s Lost and Found.

Schedule: Students are not permitted in any school classrooms after 3:40 pm.  Please make sure children know to bring all supplies and assignments with them to aftercare. Snack is served to aftercare students between 3:45-4:15 pm in the cafeteria. Students are welcome to bring their own snacks to the program or eat what is provided by the cafeteria. After snack, students are allowed to play, read, or work on homework with adult assistance. If you want your child to do their homework during aftercare, please send in a note indicating this to the aftercare staff.


All children must be picked up by 5:30 pm. After 5:30 pm, late fees will be charged to the family. Late fees are $10 for every five (5) minutes after 5:30 pm. Late fees are due the next day, payable only in cash. This means if you are 15 minutes late picking up your child (5:45 pm), you will be required to pay $30 cash the next day, or your child will not be permitted to attend aftercare. Avoid this late fee by having a back-up plan – have another adult authorized to pick up your child that you can contact in case you can’t arrive at the school by 5:30 pm.


Arbutus Extended Care follows all Baltimore County Public School closures and delays. If school opens 1 or 2 hours late, BeforeCare will not be held. If school closes early, AfterCare will not be held. Please make sure you are on the school’s contact list to receive automatic phone calls and/or emails for school closures and delays.

Occasionally, Arbutus Elementary cancels the AfterCare for evening activities held by the school. You will be notified of these closures with as much advance notice as possible.


Arbutus Extended Care does not allow students to possess any items prohibited by Arbutus Elementary School. This includes mobile phones, electronic devices, weapons, and medicine. Extended Care staff are not responsible for any students’ personal items. We advise parents to label all school materials and clothing with the child’s name.


We use an “oops” report for any minor injuries children may sustain while at Extended Care that can be treated with simple first aid. For major injuries or discipline concerns, we will send home an Incident Report. Please sign that you received and read the report and return it with your child the following day.


The Arbutus Extended Care Discipline Policy follows the same behavior requirements as BCPS and Arbutus Elementary Schools. Students are expected to follow all staff directions. When children fail to follow directions or act out negatively, our staff follow these disciplinary procedures:

1. First incident: A verbal warning with a possible time-out from any play activity (1 minute out by age).

2. Second incident: A second verbal warning, a time-out, and a letter detailing the behavior sent home to be signed and returned by the parent/guardian.

3. Third incident: The child will be suspended from extended care for 1-3 days.

Children exhibiting chronic behavior problems may be asked to leave the program. No refunds are issued for suspensions or removals.  

Extended Care staff makes every effort to work with the parents/guardians of children having difficulties in the program. The Arbutus Recreation Council is committed to offering high-quality, affordable child care for families in our community. Children displaying disruptive behavior that is upsetting to the physical or emotional well-being of another child may require the following action:

1. Parent Consultation: The program director will meet with the child’s parents for a conference to discuss behavioral concerns and suggest solutions to encourage positive behavior from the child. The problems will be detailed in writing and an action plan will be developed and implemented by the staff and parents/guardians.

2. Second Consultation: If a child continues to experience behavioral and/or discipline problems following the initial parent consultation, a second consultation will be held with extended care director and parents to develop another approach to resolving the situation. Clear consequences for failure to correct inappropriate behavior will be discussed.


When multiple attempts have been made to correct a child’s behavioral problems without success, the program director will have no choice but to remove the child, either temporarily or permanently, from the program, for the safety and well-being of the other children enrolled.

Should a child exhibit uncontrollable or harmful behavior that the staff cannot correct, a parent/guardian will be called to collect their child from the program immediately. The AES Extended Care program reserves the right to remove any child from the program at any time, especially if other children or staff could be harmed by the child. No refunds are issued for suspensions.

AES Extended Care reserves the right to suspend a child from the program at any time due to:

  • Non-payment of fees, excessive late payment of fees, or excessive late charges;

  • Failure of the child to observe facility rules and program policies;

  • Child has special needs that cannot be adequately met with our current staff; or

  • Physical and/or verbal abuse of staff or children by a child or parents.


The costs for AES Extended Care are

One Child:

  • $60/week for beforecare OR aftercare ONLY

  • $85/week for BOTH beforecare AND aftercare

Two Children:

  • $85/week for beforecare OR aftercare ONLY

  • $130/week for BOTH beforecare AND aftercare

Payments Due and Late Payment Fees   

Monthly payments for AES extended care are generally due on the first Monday of the month. In case of a school closure on this day, payment will be due the next day (first Tuesday). The attached schedule details the exact due dates for the upcoming school year. PAYMENTS RECEIVED AFTER THE FIRST MONDAY OF THE MONTH ARE CONSIDERED LATE AND WILL BE ASSESSED A DAILY LATE FEE OF $20. For each day the payment is late, the fee increases by $20 (e.g., four days late = $80 in late fees).

Late Pick-up Fee

All children must be picked up by 5:30 pm. After 5:30 pm, late fees will be charged to the family. Late fees are $10 for every five (5) minutes after 5:30 pm. Late fees are due the next day, payable only in cash. This means if you are 15 minutes late picking up your child (5:45 pm), you will be required to pay $30 cash the next day, or your child will not be permitted to attend aftercare.

Insufficient Funds and Returned Check Fees

AES Extended Care payments must be made by personal check, money order, or cash. No electronic payments can be accepted. THE RETURNED CHECK FEE FOR INSUFFICENT FUNDS IS $50. We recommend using checks or money orders for monthly payments so you have an additional record of your payment.

Suspension Due to Excessive Late Payments or Non-Payment

AES Extended Care reserves the right to cancel the program enrollment of a child/children for non-payment or excessive late payments of fees.

Tax Records

AES Extended Care DOES NOT provide annual childcare payment receipts for tax filings. The attached payment schedule includes all necessary information to serve as a record of your payments for tax purposes. Please record all payments on your copy of the payment schedule if you plan to deduct childcare expenses on your tax filing.


Arbutus Recreation Council

I have read and agree to follow all AES Extended Care policies, disciplinary procedures and payment agreement, including late pick-up fees and late payment fees.


Parent/Guardian Name


Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Child Name D.O.B.


Child Name D.O.B.

Arbutus/Baltimore Highlands Community Recreation Office

Address: Arbutus Recreation Center

865 Sulphur Spring Road, Baltimore, MD 21227

Tel: 410-887-6994 | [email protected]

Contact Us

Arbutus Recreation & Parks Council

865 Sulphur Spring Road 
Arbutus, Maryland 21227

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 410-887-6994
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